簡介 Introduction
規格 Specs
配件 Accessories
全能型C45R 是一款價格極具競爭力的開放框碳輪,採用TOKEN 全新專利技術「CONTI-FIBER」無縫碳布搭接技術製成,使輪組結構更穩定,且強化框體硬度; 加上「TgX」專利技術,框體耐高溫達250 度,大幅降低燒框機率!
為了強化輪組剛性,我們採用2 比1 平衡張力編法,驅動側輻條數為非驅動側1倍,強化輪組在抽車時或長下坡時,所需的側向剛性!
The C45R is a competitively priced and weighted carbon race wheelset that delivers on both performance and style. Built using our new CONTI-FIBRE structure and equipped with shop-friendly J-bend aero spokes this is a durable, all-round race wheel.